Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Craig's List Scam Comes to Local Real Estate Market

News from CCAR - Monday Memo: "Have you been searching Craig's List and found one of your listings - rentals in particular- offered for some ridiculously low price with your name attached to it, but with a different number and e-mail?

Well several Realtors in our market have had that specific experience. How it works is scam artists pull your listings, place them on Craig's list with the fake numbers and then talk to the potential renter and get them to send them money for a rental which will never happen.

So you might want to scan Craig's list and make sure none of your rentals are there. We have also reported this to the Caller Times and the local television stations as well as Craig's List. So keep an eye out and beware!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fourth Quarter Housing Stats - Up From Last Year

December Closed Sales Bring Numbers Up For the Last Quarter of 2009

For the year, our sales figues are definitely down, but it is certainly positive that we ended 2009 with an improvement in the 4th quarter over the 4th quarter of 2008. Below are the year end Housing stats compareds.